Taking a jibe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi after the BJP’s resounding defeat in Bihar, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said that “talking more and working less lead political parties to ‘Bihar-like situations”. He was speaking during the inauguration of the first Aam Aadmi polyclinic at Kanti Nagar in Gandhi Nagar, on Monday.
Kejriwal said the Aam Aadmi Party-government speaks the ‘Mann Ki Baat’ of the common man unlike Mr Modi’s monthly ‘Mann Ki Baat’. “We speak your ‘Mann Ki Baat’, not our ‘Mann Ki Baat’,” the Delhi CM said.
He also announced plans to open 1,000 mohalla clinics, and added that the budget would be cleared for them in the cabinet meeting on Tuesday. Mr Kejriwal said the government is also going to revive around 150 dispensaries, presently housed in run-down buildings, over the next few months where specialist care would be provided to reduce dependence on hospitals.
“This polyclinic will be a model and its functioning will be closely monitored since it will form the basis for setting-up 100 such clinics across Delhi,” he said. The government has proposed to set-up a three-tier public health care system in the Capital, the primary centres will be called the Aam Aadmi Mohalla Clinics, the first one was opened at Peeragarhi in West Delhi.
Mohalla clinics will provide primary health-care and for easing the rush in OPDs of hospitals, the polyclinics will function as a link between primary and main health care.
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