Magsaysay award winner and water rights activist Rajendra Singh said here on Thursday that three Odisha rivers – Baitarani, Subarnarekha and Burhabalanga – are increasing coming under pressure from industries which is badly affecting agriculture.
“Natural water flow in almost all rivers in Odisha especially Baitarani, Subarnarekha and Burhabalanga has been disturbed. Farmers’ land is not getting water as per requirement. It seems corporates and contractors have the first claim on river water,” Mr. Singh said wile addressing a press conference here.
Mr. Singh has been touring different districts as part of ‘Odisha River Rejuvenation’ campaign.
Pointing out that industrial pollution of river water was adding to woes, he said, “discharge of industrial waste into river causes health problems. Industrial waste water is hardly soluble. The character of industrial water remains unchanged even after travelling 100 km distance.”
“Rising farmer suicides in the State could partly be attributed to conflicts over river water. Increasing industrial allocation of river water is taking away share of farmers. Unless government, civil society and farmers jointly find out resolution of the conflict, the problem will become acute by days,” Mr Singh warned.
In fact the activist alleged that major parts of Baitarani river right from Keonjhar has been under control of industrial and mining projects.
Mr. Singh, known as Waterman, said, “government needs to take up different steps such as pursuing afforestation on programme on both sides of river and construction of check-dams and anicuts for slowing down river water flow. ”
When asked if river linking would help river water conservation and proper utilisation, he said, “it is an absurd idea. Linking rivers mean linking of pollution as well as linking of corruption. In the past, river linking projects had not worked, but it only generated conflict.
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